Why should I donate my money to T3?
Well, To put it plainly, we need the cash. We just purchased T3Paintball.com, but you can plainly see we are still getting our hosting free. This is because we cannot afford hosting on our own. Our team is not one that is made up of rich kids who's daddy's buy their love with expensive paintball guns such as Autocockers and Angels. We do not live in an affluent town, and there are more kids then jobs in our community. We aren't going to pressure you into donating, and you'll see that the donation link is only on our main page. The reason you donate is really up to you. If we get 100 bucks, we can get a quality host and deliver the content we would like to provide. That would also make this website advertisement and popup free. We would have more space and more bandwidth, which would allow us to better cater the visitor's needs.
Well, what do I get in return?!?
T3 cannot pay back the donations it receives, so please consider that before donating. As of right now, we are offering an email forwarding service, an entry of your name in our Thank You list, and a link to your website if applicable. We will shamelessly promote anyone who makes a donation of a dollar or more, it is the least we can do for your generosity. The email forwarding service would allow you to have an account that is Yourname@T3Paintball.com You will receive all of your emails at your current email address, but the T3Paintball name is much cooler then yahoo or whatever you use now.
Are you going to steal from me?!?
The answer to that is a resounding NO! Our team believes in firm standards of integrity and high ethical values. This is why we use the PayPal System, a secure donation service that is recognized world wide for its security and reputable service. For more information please view http://www.paypal.com
How do I know my money is going to be used to benefit your team?
Although we have not thought of an exact method of proving all transactions, you will be able to see your money in action. We will be posting regularly the condition of our PayPal Account, and what the money will be used for. If you want further confirmation on where your money is going, you can talk to one of our webmasters at the following telephone numbers/ email addresses:
Greg Brown
(203) 729-5369
Jordan Byron
(203) 723-1306
Ok... I'll help you guys... What do I do now?
First, you should email or call us and confirm you want to donate. Contact either of the webmasters above.
Next, click the link below and sign up for a PayPal account.
Make your desired donation, and we will email you upon it's arrival. Thank you for supporting our growing team!
Copyright 2002 T3Paintball.com
All Rights Reserved